
Mt.Fuji charged 1000 yen on trial

I translated this http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20130804-OYT1T00430.htm

Mt.Fuji was registered as one of the World Heritage, and the prefecture tried to charge for entering a mountain area for 3 days.

The charge was voluntary and 1000 yen generally, and 34327 of people paid about 34 million yen. They expected that 10 thousand of people(1/4 of all the climbers) would pay this, so it can be said that the reaction was good. They will use this charge to environmental conservation of Mt.Fuji and security of climbers.

At first, parties of tourists hardly paid it because they were afraid of taking time. However, they started to pay after leading guide explained about the gist. Meanwhile, many expats climber passed through it, so staffs made translated signboards in a hurry, but a few people paid it. American climber told us, "I knew about that when I reached the sixth station. You should ask that on the Internet and stuff."

There is no tipping in Japan basically. Exceptions are a Japanese-style hotel and stuff, but it is like an extension of gifting, not a tip in fact. I don't know much about tip system, I'm worried if I fail to tip when I travel.

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